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Chicken in Gelatin {Galaretka z Kurczaka}

Chicken jello is what my husband calls this Easter dish. He’s not the biggest fan of it, but he bravely eats it… once a year, on Easter. It’s not the taste he says, it’s the consistency. This savory dish is nothing more than chicken served cold with some tasty veggies. I ALWAYS make it for Easter, just as my family has done for as long as I can remember. Its also a great leftover dish, after you’ve made too much chicken soup. I hope you try it.

You will need:

2 cups of chicken stock (recipe here)

1 cup of cooked chicken, shredded

1 carrot from your stock, or boiled separately

1 hard boiled egg

1/4 c of frozen sweet peas

2 envelopes of gelatin

Lemon juice

This small recipe makes 3 one cup containers of finished product.

1. Prepare chicken stock and strain desired amount of liquid. When still warm but not hot, dissolve 2 packets of gelatin (in 2 cups of stock).

2. Place one slice of hard-boiled egg on the bottom of your container (bowl, coffee cup, plastic storage container, something with wide rim that will allow you to remove gelatin mold once its set). Add a couple of slices of boiled carrot and 6-10 peas. Top with shredded chicken.

3. Gently pour gelatin/stock mix over meat only until the liquid reaches the top of the meat. Let set for about 15-20 minutes and pour to fill your container. This will prevent the content from floating up to the surface.

4. Let set in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

5. To serve, run a warm butter knife inside the parameter of the mold. Sprinkle with lemon juice and serve with bread. Prepared horseradish is also an excellent topping.



ps. have you ever had this dish? What did you think?



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