Polish Tomato Soup {Zupa Pomidorowa}
My mom often made tomato soup on Mondays. If you read my chicken soup {rosół} post, you know that we always ate rosół on Sundays,...
Fish Stew {Zupa Rybna}
Cool fall weather is coming, and that means hot stews. One comes to mind. Fish stew. I grew up relatively close to the coast of the...
White Barszcz {Biały Barszcz}
The star of my Easter table, sour rye soup. Barszcz biały is smoky, garlicy and tiny bit sour in taste. In my home, its served first,...
Chicken Soup {Rosół}
In my home growing up and to this day, chicken soup is served every Sunday. No deviation from it… ever. Every weekend we had chicken...
Beef Stew Soup {Zupa Gulaszowa}
Even though spring comes in March, we don’t normally see spring weather in Poland until late April. This makes me think of steaming soups...
Beet Soup {Barszcz}
Beet soup (barszcz) is normally served as the opening act of the Christmas Eve dinner in my home. Traditionally, its a meatless dish, ...